Celebrate Monterey’s 250th Birthday 

Celebrate the City of Monterey's June 3 Sestercentennial in 2020

In 1602, Spanish explorer Sebastian Vizcaino landed in Monterey. In what is now near the intersection of Pacific and Artillery streets, his crew celebrated mass under a large oak tree in thanks for a safe arrival. 168 years later, on June 3, 1770, Captain Gaspar de Portola and Father Junipero Serra successfully found the location of Vizcaino's mass and eventually establised the Presidio of Monterey.  It was on same day that the City of Monterey was also founded, leading to Monterey's 250 year sestercentennial in 2020.

To celebrate, all those who love Monterey are invited to commemorate and celebrate the city’s 250th anniversary all of 2020. With a focus on treasuring the city's historic foundation, honoring the uniquely diverse citizenry and looking forward to Monterey's brilliant future. So, join us in celebrating Monterey's 250th anniversary.

Happy 250th Birthday Monterey!
