The Monterey and Santa Cruz Marine Protected Area (MPA) Collaboratives have produced a brochure and supporting web page to help visitors protect, explore and experience the unique and delicate coastal ecosystems in the greater Monterey Bay area. Encouraging a self-guided tour from North Santa Cruz County to South Monterey County and Big Sur, the brochure leads visitors through ten family and budget friendly stops within California’s MPAs and the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary. Don’t forget to check out the supporting web page which provides important information and resources to help you have a fun and safe time on the coast.
View massive elephant seals from a safe distance at Año Nuevo State Park, take your dog for an on-leash walk along the Monterey Bay Coastal Recreation Trail, go fishing on the Santa Cruz Wharf or choose from the other scenic options available to you as you Explore Monterey Bay and Beyond!
This community-driven project was funded by a grant made through the Sustaining California’s Ocean program of Resources Legacy Fund. You can contribute to projects like this by joining one of 14 regional MPA collaboratives in the MPA Collaborative Network, an organization with a mission to empower coastal communities to advance MPA management and encourage ocean stewardship.
Learn more about the project and download the brochure here.
By the Monterey and Santa Cruz Marine Protected Area Collaboratives.
Photos courtesy of Douglas Croft (1), Lisa Uttal (2) and Steve Lonhart/NOAA MBNMS (3).